Eric Seminar

The Abundant O.D. Series

The Abundant O.D. Series highlights successful optometrists who are working to make a positive difference in the world and contribute to a greater good. In our episodes, we get to know the people behind the title, what makes them tick and the mission they are working to serve.

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Eric Levenghagen

Tune in to hear the challenges they have had to overcome on their journey and what helped them make it through. Be inspired by leaders working to make real change in the world. Learn ways to improve your practice and better serve your mission.

They say hind-sight is 20/20, and by listening to and learning from other’s victories and mistakes, you can speed up your journey and live as an Abundant O.D..

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Typical Interview Questions Asked:

  • Tell me about your background and how you got into this profession.
  • What is the bigger reason why you do what you do?
  • What is the mission you’re looking to serve? What change do you want to make in the world?
  • What has been the toughest challenges in bringing these ideas into reality?
  • What is a victory or success that has been real meaningful for you in your career?
  • What is a piece of advice you’d give to others on their journey?
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What Others Are Saying...

Michael-Vu Do O.D. FAAO

I was prepared to speak on a variety of topics on the Abundant OD Podcast. Being a new practice owner I was able to share the ups and downs and discuss what I am currently going through. Eric was incredibly easy to talk to and I value the opportunity to be on the podcast with him.

Brandon Walley O.D.

I enjoyed spending time with Eric on the Abundant O.D. Podcast.  It didn't feel like an interview, it felt like a conversation with a friend.  I would welcome the opportunity to come back on the show anytime.

Alex Tharman, O.D.

Eric and his team have put together a great production with The Abundant O.D. Series. I really enjoyed our conversation as we covered some stimulating questions that gave background on myself and some of my passions in our field. I had a great time and I already look forward to being back soon!.

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Schedule Your Interview

I would love to feature you as a guest on the show to discuss your experiences and insights in optometry. It's my hope that through your story, we can inspire and educate our listeners.

Schedule an Interview